Online & In-Person Energy Healing, Bodywork & Life Force Activation

Enter the realm of Somatic Seidr, where the fiery essence of Kundalini merges with the ancestral wisdom of Northern European Shamanism, guiding you on a journey of unapologetic sensuality and profound transformation.

Somatic Seidr is a dance with the primal forces of existence—an invitation to awaken the serpent within and nurture your innate capacity for self-healing.

Including holistic techniques such as myofascial release, vocal massage, emotional and body de-armouring, breathwork, sound healing, and Rune divination, to unlock your highest potential.

Within this practice, we embrace the wild nature of our being, liberated from the shackles of societal norms, reclaiming our primal essence, and harnessing our desires as a force for personal liberation.

Through the alchemy of touch, breath, and sound, you'll enter ecstatic trance states, making each session a sacred ritual of empowerment and healing.

This practice cultivates a revitalised and magnetic auric field, attuned to the primal rhythms of nature.

Our journey together begins with a Rune reading—unveiling the threads of your orlog, the underlying energetic patterns shaping your life.

Drawing from this insight, every session will meet you exactly where you’re at, nurturing every facet of your being.

Your aspirations and intentions act as the driving force in our collaborative journey, shaping our co-creation.

Somatic Seidr invites you to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing, guiding you to awaken dormant potential, and rediscover authentic desires, so you feel safe within your body.

Within this space, you're encouraged to bravely delve into your inner landscape, restoring harmony to mind, body, and spirit.

  • Rune Divination

    Whether it be in-person or online, I begin our journey by consulting the runes. These sacred symbols, carriers of the collective wisdom of our ancestors, unveil the intricate weaving of your wyrd—the threads of fate and destiny that shape your path. Through the guidance of the runes, we delve deep into the heart of your current circumstances, shedding light on hidden truths and offering insights to realign, change, or enhance your journey. The runes speak with unwavering clarity, offering definitive guidance and counsel for any situation you may encounter. By attuning to their ancient wisdom, we unravel the patterns, events, and choices that have woven the tapestry of your life, empowering you to reclaim agency and sovereignty over your destiny.

  • Breathwork

    In the gentle rhythm of our inhales and exhales, lies the key to unlocking the depths of our being. As we return to the ancient wisdom of our breath, we honour the divine connection to our inner selves and the cosmos. Through breathwork, we awaken the Kundalini life force, weaving it through the channels of our being, igniting the flame of spiritual awakening. Ond (prana/chi) is the universal life force, that flows through every aspect of existence, pulsating within the breath itself. As we consciously engage with our breath, we tap into the boundless reservoir of life force energy, revitalizing our being on all levels—physical, mental, and spiritual. Each inhale draws in ond, infusing us with vitality and clarity, while each exhale releases stagnation and invites renewal.

  • De-armouring

    Throughout our life journey, we accumulate layers of emotional, energetic, and physical armour within our being, often as a response to trauma, shock, or protective instincts. While some level of armour serves a necessary purpose in safeguarding our well-being, more often than not, it acts as a barrier, inhibiting our capacity to delve into our depths, fully experience life, and express our true selves authentically. This accumulation of armour restricts the free flow of energy within our body, stifling our ability to feel deeply and connect with our inner truth. However, through the transformative practice of de-armouring—addressing these layers of protection on emotional, energetic, and physical levels—we create space for profound release and liberation. De-armouring involves a conscious and intentional process of unraveling these layers, allowing for the release of stagnant energy and the transformation of pain into pleasure. By shedding these burdens, we unveil our true essence, creating a sacred vessel—a body temple—where our Higher Self can reside in alignment with our divine purpose. Through emotional, energetic, and body de-armouring, we embark on a journey of profound self-discovery and healing, reclaiming our innate capacity for joy, love, and authenticity.

  • Energy Activation

    The auric field, constantly interacting with the world around us, absorbs and reflects the vibrations of our experiences, thoughts, and emotions. I accompany you on a journey to explore the depths of your energetic being. Through powerful practices, we unveil the hidden patterns and blockages that hinder the free flow of energy within you. Together, we embark on a journey of clearing and activation, gently releasing stagnant energy and harmonising your energetic pathways. As we create space for the flow of energy to move freely throughout your being, we pave the way for a vibrant and luminous energy body to emerge. This process of clearing and activation creates a sacred vessel within you, a flowing energy body in harmony with the natural rhythms of the universe. Within this sacred space, the dormant serpent energy of Kundalini can safely awaken and rise, guided by the wisdom of your innermost being.

  • Sound Healing

    As your guide in this sacred journey, I harness the vibrational medicine of sound to not only induce deep relaxation but also to recalibrate your energy system to its natural state of harmony and balance. Through the gentle resonance of sound, we unlock the latent potential within you, catalyzing healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. In our sessions, you may encounter the ancient art of Galdr—runic chanting infused with specific frequencies and medicinal qualities. These sacred sounds penetrate the depths of your being, initiating a process of profound transformation and renewal. Moreover, I guide you in opening your throat hvel (chakra), allowing you to embrace your fullest and most authentic expression. By attuning to the vibrational essence of your voice, you reclaim the power of self-expression and unlock the gateway to your inner truth. In addition to vocal channeling, our in-person sessions feature an array of sound healing instruments, including crystal bowls, drums, and instruments tuned to the sacred frequency of 432Hz. Each resonant tone reverberates through your being, dissolving energetic blockages and restoring alignment.

  • Vocal Massage & Myofascial Release

    Often, we neglect the vital areas of the neck, jaw, and face in our self-care routines, despite harbouring significant tension in these regions. This tension can impede the flow of energy to the brain, affecting our overall well-being. In our in-person sessions, you'll be introduced to the transformative practices of vocal massage and myofascial release. Through targeted techniques, we'll work to alleviate tension and unlock the body's natural electrical impulses within the nervous system. By nurturing the health of the fascia, we pave the way for a smoother flow of life force energy, enhancing vitality and inner balance.

  • Serpent Mysteries

    The serpent serves as a symbol for the feminine and the Goddess in ancient mysteries, symbolising their power of creation and regeneration. Across cultures, it embodies feminine qualities of intuition, wisdom, and fertility. In shamanic traditions, the serpent is often linked with earth energies and the divine feminine principle inherent in nature. Thus, the serpent emerges as a profound symbol of womb mysticism, creativity, and spiritual insight, woven into the fabric of ancient cultures. In shamanism, the serpent's fluidity mirrors energy flow between realms, revealing the path towards greater awareness.

In Somatic Seidr, we prioritise cultivating a healthy emotional body before venturing into spiritual dimensions.

The right-hand path, fuelled by our willpower and conscious action, focuses on purifying the body and clearing the energetic pathways for the rise of Kundalini energy.

Through breathwork, shaking, Galdr (chanting) and various somatic techniques, we release stagnant emotions and dense energy, allowing each wheel of energy (hvel/chakra) to vibrate positively until the polarised energies unify in the third eye and crown.


In Somatic Seidr, we immerse ourselves in the depths of the left-hand path, where we find liberation in surrender, allowing our being to merge with the cosmic currents of existence.

Unlike the right-hand path's emphasis on willpower and conscious action, our journey is guided by a deep trust in the innate intelligence of our bodies and the pulse of our primal intuitive nature.

We understand that true transformation arises not from the exertion of force, but from a deep trust in the inherent intelligence that dwells within us.

In this sacred space, we welcome the descent of grace to traverse the depths of our inner landscape. Here, our Higher Self emerges, finding its rightful place within the temple of our physical form.


But why Seidr & what is it?

The Northern European practice of Seidr presents a profound path towards awakening the inner serpent fire. Rooted in earth-based shamanism, Seidr offers a unique methodology for tapping into the primal forces of nature and unravelling the mysteries of existence.

Seidr serves as a poignant reminder, that the path to spiritual awakening is not secluded in the realms of the abstract or the otherworldly but is intricately interwoven into the fabric of our existence. It is through the physicality of the body that we establish a connection with the divine, a connection that allows us to touch the essence of our true selves.

In the sacred union of body and spirit, ond—the life force that animates all things—we unearth a gateway to Source and Self.

Fundamentally, Seidr embodies the understanding that the divine is not detached from the world but is seamlessly woven into its very fabric, awaiting discovery in every breath, every sensation, and every moment of embodied existence.

Through the practice of Seidr, we pay homage to our ancestors who once tread this path before us, those who sought enlightenment and communion with the divine amidst the ancient forests and sacred groves of Northern Europe.

In embracing the wisdom of our forebears, we reclaim a profound connection to our roots, to the land, and to the timeless rhythms of nature. With each ritual, meditation, and ecstatic journey, we honour the spirits of the land and the enduring legacy of those who paved the way, carrying their wisdom and teachings forward into the modern era.

Freya, as Mistress and Goddess of Seidr, embodies the raw force of nature, akin to Kundalini Shakti in Eastern traditions. Freya symbolises the potent, unbridled sexual life force that animates all matter, including humans. As the initiatrix of the serpent mysteries within the northern tradition, it was Freya who bestowed upon Odin the art of Seidr, guiding him to enter trance states and awaken the inner serpent fire.

Much like Kundalini Shakti, Freya empowers us to embrace our unbound sexual nature, granting full liberation and permission to explore the depths of our being. Through her guidance, we tap into our sexual and magical sovereignty, fully embracing the sacredness of our bodies and their primal connection to the natural world.

By embracing the earth-based wisdom inherent in Seidr, we can awaken our Kundalini energy in a manner that honours our cultural heritage and ancestral traditions.

Additionally, the awakening of Kundalini energy heightens our sensitivity to the subtle energies permeating the natural world. We become adept at sensing the presence of spirits, ancestors, and deities, forging deeper connections with these divine beings.


  • This is dependant upon each session and also if we are in-person or over Zoom. But anywhere between 1 to 3 hours.

  • Yes! Everyone is welcome.

  • Both. Energy healing and transmissions works regardless of place or time.
    In-person sessions have the added benefit of physical touch through vocal massage, myofascial release and body de-armouring.

  • Upon booking, you will have access to all pre-session preparation within the online portal along with practices and exercises to begin activating your life force.

  • A lot can of course, be done within 1 session, but Somatic Seidr is not an instant gratification experience.
    6+ sessions are beneficial as it allows the body to gradually open up, revealing more and more layers, creating safety and harmony within the body again.
    You will have private access to me over telegram after sessions and throughout our time together.

  • Yes, I’ve guided several women who have survived sexual trauma and have seen profound transformations & healing occur within our sessions. I’m honoured to hold space for you throughout this process.

Somatic Seidr
One time

Introductory session into Somatic Seidr.

✓ Exclusive bonus content & practices
6x Sessions
One time
For 3 months

Online sessions are held over 3 months (bi-weekly).

✓ Exclusive bonus content & practices
✓ Telegram support
✓ Includes ongoing Rune guidance

“Freya was a blótgydja (sacrificial priestess), she was the first who taught the Aesir to practice Seidr, like the Vanir used to know.

Odin knew that sport, with which the greatest power followed, and practised it himself, what is called Seidr. And from this, he could know the fates of people and things not yet happened”